Difference Maker Weekend March 21-23, 2025 Register Now


Wednesday evenings for kids in grades K-5

BreakOut is a time in the middle of the week for kids to refocus on God. Our mission during BreakOut is the same as on Sundays - To Connect Kids with Christ, Together with their Church, so they may Change their Community. All kids Kindergarten - 5th grade are welcome!

Where & When We Will Meet:  We meet every Wednesday from 6:30-8:00 pm at Davisville. Kids are welcome to join at any time throughout the year.

What Kids Will Do: The evening will be broken down into three categories:

1) Bible Lesson - The Bible is one Big Story. This is year two of our journey through the Bible in two years. This year we will focus on the New Testament.

2) Gym Time - Every week Breakout children will have a chance to play group games. After a day at school, children need a chance to run around, work cooperatively as a team, and socially interact with one another. 

3)  Craft/Worship/Connect Time- Children will be alternating between worship through music, craft time, and connecting and serving others. Crafts will be seasonal or related to the Bible lesson of that night. Worship will be a time to offer praise to Jesus through new songs and familiar songs. Connecting and serving others will include Operation Christmas Child or hearing from some of our missionaries.

How to Sign Up: Please click ­­here to sign up for BreakOut. Once registered your child is signed up for the entire year and you will check them in on the iPads in the kids area on Wednesday evenings.

Volunteers Needed: We are still in need of a few teachers and helpers for BreakOut this year. Please fill out this application to get involved!

Got Questions?: Contact Liz Reim, Children's Ministry Director at lreim@davisville.org.